"The Tour de France is different, but I'm feeling good" - Egan Bernal growing in confidence after another strong Tour de Suisse showing

Stage 6 of the 2024 Tour de Suisse was once again a day for UAE Team Emirates, through the unstoppable performances of Adam Yates and João Almeida, with the latter taking the stage win. A little further down the road however, there was another encouraging performance by Egan Bernal.

The INEOS Grenadiers rider continues to demonstrate his good form ahead of the Tour de France. Although he took 4th place in the stage, the Colombian followed Yates' attack along with Almeida and Mattias Skjelmose, and it served to reinforce his third place in the overall general classification in Switzerland. The sensations, therefore, are very positive, and he confirmed this in his declarations at the end of the short, sharp 42-kilometre day.

"It was a very fast stage, there was a lot of nervousness. But in the end it turned out very nice. It was very special, and another good test," said Egan Bernal in reference to the Tour de France, where he aspires to compete for the overall with a team that will also include Carlos Rodríguez and Geraint Thomas, among others.

"Every day I check if I have the legs, you always have to try, put on a show, move the race, use the team.... We all know that the race is not over until you cross the finish line on the last day, so you have to stay focused," added a Bernal who, as mentioned above, is in 3rd place overall, 1 minute and 28 seconds behind the yellow jersey, Adam Yates, and 56 seconds ahead of 4th placed Mattias Skjelmose, who won the Tour de Suisse last year.

"The Tour de France is different, but I'm feeling good. Day after day I'm getting back in better and better shape. I knew I wasn't going to arrive in my best form in Switzerland, but the important thing is to recover well after these efforts and then go to the Tour," concluded the two-time Grand Tour winner.

Stage 6 result of the Tour of Switzerland 2024 (Top 10).

Position Name Team UCI Points Times
1 ALMEIDA Joao UAE Team Emirates 00:55:13
2 YATES Adam UAE Team Emirates + 04
3 SKJELMOSE Mattias Lidl-Trek + 09
4 BERNAL Egan INEOS Grenadiers + 15
5 MARTINEZ Lenny Groupama-FDJ + 35
6 PIDCOCK Tom INEOS Grenadiers + 40
7 MAS Enric Movistar Team + 47
8 RICCITELLO Matthew Israel-Premier Tech + 47
9 SANCHEZ Pelayo Movistar Team 5 + 54
10 GALL Felix Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale Team + 54

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