Primoz Roglic PENALIZED! La Vuelta victory contender takes 20-second penalty over extensive drafting

This Vuelta a España is on fire and the jury has made things even closer. Primoz Roglic gained 38 seconds on Ben O'Connor at the Cuitu Negru climb today; but he has just received a 20-second penalty after spending an excessive amount of time behind the team car after a bike change.

This is not a completely shocking decision from the race commissaires after the race footage made it clear that the bike change was a planned move. The Slovenian changed bikes into a single-chainring machine ahead of the final climb and then made his way back to the peloton.

He had two teammates with him but on his way back he spent significant time drafting behind his team car. The large amount of time, combined with the fact that he did not suffer any mechanical issue, led to the decision of ultimately adding 20 seconds to his time in the race. Whilst not a race-ending difference, it certainly delivers a small blow - perhaps more psychologically - to the Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe rider who is hunting down the red jersey.

With this decision, Roglic only managed to take 18 seconds back on Ben O'Connor in the hardest climb of the race, and now continues to have over a minute to recover with only three mountain stages - and a time-trial to take it back. The Slovenian continues to be the main favourite to win the race but in the high mountains he is not having the capacity to make the same difference as in the more explosive ascents. He sees his gap to Enric Mas also reduced to 1:20, something which can very realistically still be closed in the final week.

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