Uno-X Mobility the only team to show interest in 30-year-old Amund Jansen for next season

After four years at Team Jayco AlUla, it seems that Amund Jansen will have to offer his services elsewhere as he didn't manage to live up to the hopes, not only his team had when they brought the then 26-year-old Norwegian from Jumbo-Visma.

There is no doubt 2019 was the best year of Jansen's career with Norwegian champion title, dozen podiums in smaller stage races and a fifth place in two WorldTour one-day races; Bretagne Classic and Prudential RideLondon Classic.

At that time it did seem like the versatile Norwegian was on the brink of entering the top echelons of the world of Classics, with numerous results top 20 results at races such as Paris-Roubaix.

However a string of injuries and illness from 2020 onwards started Jansen's downfall through the pecking order of Jayco AlUla, doing the dirty work at the Classics this spring with number of DNFs and even an OTL next to his name. Understandably the Australian team which has been rejuvenating its core for quite some time now shows little to no interest to extend with the 30-year-old Norwegian who is indicating no signs of sudden late bloom.

According to GCN's reported Daniel Benson, there is only one team interested in Norwegian's vast racing experience and that is his home ProTeam Uno-X Mobility.

The young Scandinavian formation is mixing a bunch of young guns such as the promising climber Johannes Kulset and a couple ripe fruits with professional experience like Alexander Kristoff who is willing to share his know-how. You can guess into which group falls the 30-year-old Jansen.

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