Ten years after his debut as trainee, Guillaume Martin signs a two-year contract at Groupama - FDJ

With Lenny Martinez unlikely to stay at Groupama - FDJ for next season (rumoured to Bahrain - Victorious), the French team has been looking for another climber to take up the youngster's place in the mountains. It seems they found exactly that in the experienced Guillaume Martin, who agreed to join the team on a two-year contract.

After five seasons at Cofidis, the collaboration didn't end on very good terms as Martin lashed out at the team's equipment for underperforming at the Tour de France (finished 13th overall). With Martin, Groupama - FDJ gains a rider who finished in the top 15 of Tour de France five times, entering the top 10 twice (8th in 2021 and 10th in 2023). In addition, he finished in the top 15 of Vuelta a Espana twice and Giro d'Italia once.

Now, replacing the rising star Martinez with ten years older Martin is probably not the best business solutions, but it's probably the only option Marc Madiot had, if he didn't want to break the French image of his team.

With this signing, it can be said that a circle closes. Full ten years ago, in 2014, Guillaume Martin had a taste of the big racing on a traineeship with the Groupama - FDJ. Back then, he didn't receive a professional contract, only turning pro in 2016 with Wanty - Groupe Gobert.

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