Primoz Roglic and Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe will decide in the morning whether or not it's worth continuing at 2024 Tour de France

Primoz Roglic suffered another hard crash on the twelfth stage of the 2024 Tour de France, casting doubt on his ability to continue in the race. The Slovenian rider of the Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe team fell heavily on Astana Qazaqstan Team's Alexey Lutsenko about ten kilometers from the finish, injuring his shoulder in the process.

The crash occurred when Lutsenko hit a center splitter and fell into the peloton, causing Roglic to crash into him, hard impacting his shoulder. Despite rejoining his bike with the help of his teammates, Roglic showed no intention of trying to reconnect with the peloton.

By the time he crossed the finish line, Roglic had lost more than two minutes, dropping him from fourth to sixth overall. Immediately after the race, he was taken to a local hospital for further medical examinations. "Primoz has taken a shower and then went to the doctor to clean his wounds. We need to find out what his medical condition is. We are all very disappointed, but right now Primoz as a person is our priority," commented team manager Rolf Aldag in front of the team bus.

Aldag did not want to speculate on the implications of the crash for Roglic's general classification. "All the work, all that training.... We hope it wasn't in vain and that he can continue. We didn't see the crash, but it happened. It has huge consequences, but the loss of time is not relevant now. The important thing is how Primoz is doing."

Ralph Denk also addressed the media later during the Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe podcast. "We were well positioned, but Primoz ended up against the asphalt. We can't say much about his injuries yet, although the doctor ruled out fractures initially. However, we have seen with Aleksandr Vlasov that it doesn't mean much," referring to Vlasov's ankle fracture earlier in this Tour. Roglic's continuity in the race is uncertain. "We'll know more on Friday morning; the podium is out of the question. We have to wait to see if he can continue, although if he does, he'll be very banged up."

Uncertainty reigns over Roglic's fate in this Tour de France, and all eyes will be on Friday's medical evaluation to determine his future in the competition.

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