Pavel Sivakov relieved to have won Giro della Toscana: "I was looking for a victory for a long time"

Riders are sometimes demotivated at the end of the season when they know that they are going to change teams in the off-season, but we not Pavel Sivakov! The future rider of the UAE Team Emirates has never even seemed as strong as he does now, coming second in Montreal and now winning Giro della Toscana after a long drought.

Sivakov reflected on the fifth victory of his career at his team's venue. "I was looking for a victory for a long time. Last year I won in Burgos, but it was without raising my arms since it was an overall victory. So I'm really happy to have won today."

"On the climb, I was the strongest and I was the first to cross the summit. I knew Richie was faster than me on the descent, so there was a good chance that he came back, but as there was a long valley, it was better to be with him. Then, in the final, I felt stronger than him. I knew he was faster than me in the sprint, so I attacked on the last bridge. I then gave everything and it worked. I'm super happy," he concludes.

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