Movistar Team announce Milano-Sanremo lineup without Iván García Cortina and Oier Lazkano

The opening monument of 2024 is ever nearing and Movistar Team are the latest to reveal their lineup. Notably by their absence are Iván García Cortina and Oier Lazkano.

Thus, Movistar will land in Italy with a team led by Carlos Canal and Gonzalo Serrano, who should try to get into a breakaway to play a leading role, since it's unlikely they will be able to stay with the likes Mathieu van der Poel, Tadej Pogacar or Mads Pedersen once the attacks start. 3 Italians are on the team, Davide Cimolai, Lorenzo Milesi and Manlio Moro. Jon Barrenetxea and Sergio Samitier complete the lineup.


- Carlos Canal

- Davide Cimolai

- Gonzalo Serrano

- Jon Barrenetxea

- Sergio Samitier

- Lorenzo Milesi

- Manlio Moro

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