Monte Grappa a talisman for Nairo Quintana, 10 years after he won Giro d'Italia: "It was one of the most wonderful and beautiful days of my life"

Nairo Quintana is facing his last chance to win a stage in the Giro d'Italia 2024 on a climb that he knows perfectly and that brings back great memories, since in a time trial on Monte Grappa (which is climbed twice today) he won the Corsa Rosa in 2014. The Movistar Team's Colombian recalled it with joy before the start of the stage.

"It was one of the most wonderful and beautiful days of my life and my sporting career, it was to confirm being able to fight for a grand tour after I had been on the podium of the Tour de France in 2013," Quintana said in words to this morning. "It was to reconfirm it, in a time trial with some great rivals it was spectacular."

He was questioned about the characteristics of the climb, which he did not want to detail, although he assured that it is for climbers and that the second time it is tackled it will be much faster. The key for the Colombian will be in the attacks that occur among the riders in the general classification to gain positions:

"It's a climb purely for climbers, today we will climb twice, the first will be almost an hour of climbing and the second will be a little less surely, it will be difficult, we will see the faces of the people in the general classification who will try to take the position from the rival in front of them, it will be a show accompanied by rain."

Finally, he made it clear that he is enjoying his return to a grand tour after more than a year without being able to compete. The Movistar rider is enjoying every day and is something he assures that he will try to continue doing:

"It's enjoyable, every moment I'm on the bike I live it very well and I hope today will be a great day for us."

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