Israel-Premier Tech extends contract with four riders including Tom Van Asbroeck - "I'm super happy, the team really feels like family"

A total of four contracts have been renewed by Israel-Premier Tech. Tom Van Asbroeck, Guillaume Boivin, Mads Würtz Schmidt and Rick Zabel will continue to ride for the team next season. While Boivin has only signed for a one-year extension, others have decided to stay with the team until till2024.

General manager Kjell Carlström believes the four experienced riders will also be a great asset next year. "Guillaume, Mads, Tom and Rick have now proven to be good teammates. They are willing to ride in service of our leaders but at the same time, are able to seize the opportunity when it presents itself. They have contributed to important moments in the team's history."

Van Asbroeck has been riding for the Israeli team since 2019, winning Binche-Chimay-Binche as a rookie and recently finishing tenth in the Gooikse Pijl. Würtz Schmidt won the Tirreno-Adriatico stage race last year.

Although Israel-Premier Tech is in serious relegation trouble, Van Asbroeck is excited to continue riding for them in the years to come. "I'm super happy, the team really feels like family. We have unfortunately had our bad luck this season, but Rome wasn't built in a day either. I still believe in the potential present. What is great will eventually shine,” concluded Asbroeck.

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