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- Pretty classy comments by Jonas. Makes me like him even more.
- MVDP is simply a cross "machine" - amazing to watch.
- yes, Jonas said that he had lost a little muscle mass. In the other hand, also Tadej changed his physique: thin, more lighter than ever, legs and glutes well defined (finally, no more junior legs). Both were more lighter than ever but Pogi could put more muscle in legs and glutes.
- He can keep contending for Vuelta podium spots. A lot would need to go wrong for others and everything right for him to get on the Giro podium. He'll only be on the TdF podium if he's becomes a podium presenter.
- I like that, mind if I use it from now on? Better than using his name which always gets me worried about Google hits and giving him the excuse he was bound to behave the way he did from the derived verb.
- This website needs clicks so just vacuums up what is available and loves anything that creates discussion.
- Their battles are only interesting or special when both are in good shape and unfortunately it’s been a few years since that was last the case, road cycling tends to put an end to most side careers, MVDP still being a rare exception.
- Hope it’s not his coz’ that’s no longer so stylish except in dubaious (sic) circles, not sure traditionally brought up people realise that yet but one day it will filter down.
- Yes, generally Jonas is a better climber than Tadej, but he's a little lighter. This year he was much lighter than he's been since I've watching him, which I think worked against him some. I have a feeling he will bring it next year but we may see something like we saw this year. We'll have to see, can't wait for the racing to start again.
- Oh boy, here we go again, then also ask all the other what ifs, what if Merckx hadn’t been punched in the gut (probably the event that made his mind click that maybe he didn’t need « pro » cycling until the end of his relatively short career. What if he’d not have had the need or pressure to focus on GC but could just pick and choose stages like Cav. What if he’d known people would make a big thing out of that number, he’d also easily could have screwed it up to 40-45 and denied Cav what he got now.