Felipe Nystrom's GoFundMe - How you can help one of cyclocross' most popular riders from ending his season

Felipe Nystrom is a rider that has been on the headlines quite a lot for the past few weeks, but his situation is quite different than the average pro. Currently however, he is not funded by any team or sponsors, and so depends on a GoFundMe to be able to complete the season.

Whilst cyclocross is not the best funded sport, most riders in the field get to enjoy it as their full-time job. That is not the case with Nystrom however currently. Initially it was the case, but following the incident in Gavere where he stopped to take a selfie with a fan, before being pushed off by Mathieu van der Poel who was lapping him, this was no longer the case. The reactions however after the steam blew off were good, and the Costa Rican rider continues to race and is a popular figure in the field.

He's told Wielerflits his story in which he explains how he found cycling already in his 30's, and through a number of unexpected circumstances, became the American nation's most famous rider in the discipline. However his limitations are aplenty, having only one bike for example with far from luxury material. At the time being, he is also funding his own trips, stays, equipment and racing fees. But fans have the opportunity to help the 40-year old rider compete for the rest of the season. He's admitted that if he does not have the money, it will not be possible to stay until the World Championships in Tabor in early February, despite having earned the spot.

If you wish to donate to Nystrom's personal GoFundMe, you can do so in the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cycling-dreams-from-recovery-to-racing-in-europe?referrer=post_donate

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Cyclocross Felipe Nystrom

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