"Winning is definitely possible" - Puck Pieterse takes stock of her own chances ahead of the World Championships

Puck Pieterse will have a chance to add elite World Championships title on road before the cyclocross one. Bizarelly enough, the 22-year-old multi-talent only completed four road race days before this season. But now her stocks before the Zurich World Championships look very fine. Despite Demi Vollering starting as a clear leader for Netherlands, things can happen and Pieterse definitely isn't without a chance.

The circuit in Zurich is rather technical, something Pieterse could benefit from: "I've become even more of a fan of [the course]," Pieterse said in an interview with Algemeen Dagblad, pointing to the steep sections. "I already thought it would be something for me, but especially for a mountain biker this circuit is really good."

Pieterse is also heading towards the World Championships full of ambition, which may be held in soaking wet conditions. "Otherwise I wouldn't go on an altitude training camp," says the Dutch woman. "When you're at the start, you always have a chance to win. And we've seen some strange results at a World Championship before. Winning is definitely possible."

However, the multi-talent is not the clear leader of the Dutch team. With Demi Vollering, national coach Loes Gunnewijk has one of the top favorites, Pieterse also knows.

"There are a few women who stand out, Elisa Longo Borghini, Demi Vollering, Lotte Kopecky and Kasia Niewiadoma. They are the real top favorites that most will be looking at. But below that, the field is super wide. And this course invites you to race, so it also depends on what the other countries are planning."

"Riders like Vollering, Kopecky or Vos are so strong, they can force something", says Pieterse, who nevertheless believes in her own chances. "I myself will have to have a super day and others maybe a slightly lesser day. Everything has to go well. But whoever can win a stage in the Tour, can also win the World Championship. I have to believe in that."

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