VIDEO: Angry Ben O'Connor at Lagos de Covadonga after extra drive up for podium celebration

Ben O'Connor was fined 1000CHF and was stripped of 20 UCI points yesterday. At first it was announced in the race report that he had arrived at the podium celebrations late. Then, it was confirmed that this was his own mistake; and a video shows the moments of him arriving again, clearly angry before the day's podium.

The ceremony was delayed because of the race leader. Journalist Daniel Friebe confirmed that O'Connor did know he was the race leader and had to attend the ceremony - after initially being unclear due to the small gaps - but that he believed it would take place down the mountain. Hence, the Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale rode down by bike, before having to be driven back up.

Understandably, on a rainy day and after such tremendous efforts; this was the last thing a rider who is trying to win the Vuelta wanted to do. A traffic jam near the top of the climb made things worst. A video shared by Marca showed just how unpleased O'Connor was with the situation just before arriving at the podium.

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