Thibau Nys on Wout van Aert: "It wouldn't be fair to expect anything from him. Although he remains an incredible rider of course"

Thibau Nys and Wout van Aert, two cyclocross stars, will be headlining the upcoming Tour of Norway. Each with their own obstacles to overcome, but the young Belgian talks about van Aert in anticipation of what should be an exciting race.

“I had to make a transfer on the way to Norway and my luggage got lost. I only have racing shoes here now, the rest will hopefully come during the week," Nys shared in words to Sporza. "Not ideal, one day before the race, when you have to improvise a bit... That (his recent illness, ed.) is not ideal either, especially if you have just come from a high form in which you feel almost invincible."

So Nys already arrives in the four-day race, where some expect him to be the main favourite, with a disadvantage. Lidl-Trek will surely handle the equipment problems that he has faced, but after his impressive triumph at the Tour de Hongrie he has been ill and may not have the same legs that he had earlier in the month.

“But that shouldn't get in my way. I'm ready to race. I am really looking forward to it. I expect a lot from it," he says, already as the main favourite for today's opening hilly stage. "There are many rides that are within my capabilities. Then I think of stages 1, 2 and 4. But the legs determine everything.”

Asked about van Aert, who headlines the race alongside him, Nys responded: “I should actually feel a bit ashamed when I talk about those germs, if you know what Wout has been through in recent months," he refers to the Team Visma | Lease a Bike's extensive injuries following a high-speed crash at Dwars door Vlaanderen which turned his spring upside down.

“I'm happy for him that he is back at the start. He stands here without pressure. It wouldn't be fair to expect anything from him. Although he remains an incredible rider of course.”

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