PREVIEW | Tour of Norway 2024 stage 1 - Wout van Aert vs. Thibau Nys in an explosive finale

The Tour of Norway will take place from the 23rd to the 26th of May. Coinciding with the Giro d'Italia, it brings a secondary field of riders however it will provide exciting racing nevertheless over four days of racing. We preview the stage ahead of us.

The race starts off with a hilly day that can be important for the overall classification. Almost completely flat in it's first half, but the second includes three ascents before the final one to Voss Resort.

This final ascent is 3.9 kilometers at 5.8%, although it includes tougher gradients and will provide a launchpad for important differences for the overall classification.

PREVIEW | Tour of Norway 2024 stage 1 - Wout van Aert vs. Thibau Nys in an explosive finale
Stage 1: Voss - Voss Resort, 141 kilometers

Prediction Tour of Norway 2024 stage 1:

*** Thibau Nys, Wout van Aert
** Ethan Hayter, Magnus Cort Nielsen
* Axel Laurance, Luca Vergallito, Lorenzo Rota, Natnael Tesfatsion, Koen Bouwman, Bart Lemmen, Walter Calzoni, Fredrik Dversnes

Pick: Thibau Nys

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