Peter Sagan, one of the most exciting riders from the 2010s, has embarked on a surprising new adventure following his retirement in 2024. The Slovakian cyclist, celebrated for his 12 Tour de France stage wins and three world road race championships, is swapping the bike for the ballroom as he takes part in the Slovakian version of Let's Dance.
In a social media post, Sagan shared his initial reluctance to join the show: "When the offer came, my first reaction was: no. I have never danced before and I could not imagine that I would do it." However, the retired champion revealed that his love for theatre and dance as a spectator gradually changed his perspective.
"Because I like watching dancing and I love the theatre, I started thinking about it. The offer came at the right time. Now that I have finished my sports career, I can devote myself to other adventures one hundred percent," he wrote.
Sagan also highlighted the importance of preparation in accepting this new challenge: "Without enough time to practice, I wouldn't have done it. I have absolutely no expectations, but I am looking forward to this new experience. I want to enjoy it and make it a big spectacle."
So will Sagan be able to recapture some of his magic from his racing career, and channel it onto the dancefloor? Or will this be one trick even Sagan himself can’t pull off?