Primoz Roglic leads with strong support from likes of Hindley & Vlasov as Red Bull BORA - hansgrohe announce 2024 Tour de France lineup

The key race in any rider's season, the Tour de France holds extra weight of importance for Primoz Roglic in 2024. Having joined BORA - hansgrohe in order to get his chance at the Maillot Jaune, the Slovenian's moment is nigh.

On the day the team's name was officially changed to Red Bull BORA - hansgrohe, incorporating the global drinks conglomerate's added investment for this season and beyond. With the added investment, from one of the biggest and most recognisable companies on the planet no less, come again added pressures of expectations. In their joint quest for Tour de France immortality, Roglic and BORA can rely on a very strong support squad of riders.

"It's a very special day. The arrival of Red Bull in cycling is really big. We have so much potential for the future," said team boss Ralph Denk in quotes collected by, about the added investment of Red Bull. "We have a clear plan to become the most attractive brand in cycling."

In terms of on the bike according to the same report, Roglic will be able to call upon the climbing support of proven Grand Tour contenders in the likes of Aleksandr Vlasov and former Giro d'Italia winner Jai Hindley, German multiple time Grand Tour stage winner Nico Denz and the experienced trio of Bob Jungels, Matteo Sobrero and Marco Haller. Completing the team with sprinter Danny van Poppel, the Dutchman is clearly being tasked with surfing the wheels of other sprint trains in search of his own glory on the flat days. "We are at the right level," said Roglic, with sports director Rolf Aldag adding; "Our goal should be to win the Tour de France!"

Red Bull BORA - Hansgrohe for the 2024 Tour de France:

Primoz Roglic
Aleksandr Vlasov
Jai Hindley
Matteo Sobrero
Nico Denz
Danny van Poppel
Marco Haller
Bob Jungels

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