PHOTO: Primoz Roglic shows off new Red Bull BORA - hansgrohe jersey ahead of 2024 Tour de France

Out with the old and in with the new! Red Bull BORA - hansgrohe have revealed their official jersey ahead of the 2024 Tour de France, the debut race of the new title sponsors.

With the second Grand Tour of the year now just a matter of days away, the team's official website has undergone a name change to and buried deep onto the site, an image can be found of the team's superstar leader and big Maillot Jaune hope for the upcoming Tour de France, Primoz Roglic in the new, Red Bull themed BORA - hansgrohe jersey.

Predominantly dark blue/black, the iconic pair of charging Torro Rosso's can be seen front and centre on the chest of the new look, with BORA - hansgrohe just below and positioned nicely on top of the shoulders. Also scene is the new, Red Bull themed, Specialized helmet, similar to the scene in the past by riders sponsored by the drinks conglomerate, such as Tom Pidcock, Wout van Aert and BORA - hansgrohe's own rider, Anton Palzer.

Take a look at it for yourself in the images down below and let us know how you feel about the latest jersey addition to the peloton.

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