Joao Almeida makes it through steep Pico Villuercas with a podium finish: "The climb was super difficult and super steep"

Vuelta a Espana spent three days in Portugal and entered Spanish territory today. The peloton faced the first of the race's many uphill finishes in scorching heat, which in many cases pushed some riders to the limit. João Almeida was always protected by the team throughout the day, but once he reached the last climb of the day he would be on his own, on the steep and painful slopes to Pico Villuercas.

After the end of the stage, the UAE Team Emirates rider reflected on the day on the bike. "It was a very, very hot day, the whole stage. I think it probably somehow broke some records because of the heat, it was super, super hot. The team did a good job with the bottles and the ice, always keeping hydration high."

Joao Almeida makes it through steep Pico Villuercas with a podium finish: "The climb was super difficult and super steep"
João Almeida passed the steep slopes of Pico Villuercas with flying colors.

The heat has effectively accompanied the caravan and there are no forecasts that it will let up. The team did a good job of keeping him cool and hydrated, but also of putting into practice the strategy outlined for the day. "Once again the team did a perfect job and we managed to start at the front and then the climb was super difficult and super steep," he analyzes, also evaluating his physical condition, of which he had some doubts "I managed to find enough good legs and also finish third in the stage so it was a positive day for me."

Tomorrow is expected to be a sprint finish, under intense heat and in a Grand Tour there's no time to relax, you have to stay focused and concentrated, recover well and face the next day positively. "We'll keep the ball rolling and I hope we can do better. I'm sure Adam will feel better over the next few days, we're hoping for better results and feelings too," concluded the Portuguese cyclist.

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