"It damaged my career" - Commentator Danny Nelissen filed lawsuit due to cross-border behavior

Former cyclist Danny Nelissen, and now a commentator for the NOS channel in Holland, has been filed a lawsuit against by Marijn de Vries, a former colleague in NOS. The former Rabobank rider was filed due to cross-border behavior and concerns about unwanted and sexually oriented remarks related to de Vries.

"Imagine ending up in the car next to a colleague who just utters foul language for days. Sometimes there is someone else in the car, but most of the time you are alone with him," De Vries wrote earlier this week. "Then he talks about bitches. Imagine how that eats away at you. How you start doubting yourself. How powerless you feel. How you can't do anything with that. It damaged my career, but especially me as a person. It ate me empty, inside."

Nelissen right now prefers to stay silent, he hasn't commented much on the case but believes that De Vries's statements are wrong.

"I'm not going to respond now. When I have looked at everything, my reaction will follow. That could be tomorrow, next week, or next month. I choose my moment myself, There are a lot of people who were not in that car then but have been shouting all kinds of things in recent days anyway," Nelissen said.

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