"I'm no longer among the fastest Belgians" - Frustrated Wout van Aert denied by Milan Fretin in contentious sprint finale at 2025 Volta ao Algarve

Saturday, 22 February 2025 at 18:11

Cofidis' Milan Fretin took the win on stage 4 of the 2025 Volta ao Algarve. One of the riders denied in the finale was Team Visma | Lease a Bike's Wout van Aert, for whom his team had done much work throughout the day. The question raised by many though, is whether or not Fretin passed Van Aert legally in the sprint to the line?

As the riders upped the pace on the slightly uphill finish, Fretin did seem to cut across Van Aert, hindering the Visma rider's capabilities to sprint at full pelt. The race jury seemingly didn't agree though, as Fretin's victory has held up under review. "I still have to watch it back, but I did feel that he passed me," Van Aert admitted to Eurosport post-stage. "I thought I was in a good position for the last corner, but the lead-out then went off the lead."

Nevertheless, Van Aert isn't looking to place blame, as he told Belgian media Sporza. “A gap was created and I had to sprint for a very long time afterwards. But in the end I just wasn't strong enough in the sprint. Hats off to Fretin. If you can win on a finish like that. In any case, I'm no longer among the fastest Belgians. Even though it was tough, it has to be a bit tougher for me, so that the other sprinters have to let go,” he assessed.

Stage 4 - 2025 Volta ao Algarve

1Fretin MilanCofidis04:03:31
2Meeus JordiRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 00
3Ganna FilippoINEOS Grenadiers+ 00
4De Lie ArnaudLotto+ 00
5Girmay BiniamIntermarché-Wanty+ 00
6Mihkels MadisEF Education-EasyPost+ 00
7van Aert WoutTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 00
8Buratti NicolòBahrain Victorious+ 00
9van Uden CasperTeam Picnic PostNL+ 00
10Stuyven JasperLidl-Trek+ 00
11van Gestel DriesSoudal Quick-Step+ 00
12Degenkolb JohnTeam Picnic PostNL+ 00
13Hermans QuintenAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
14Morgado AntónioUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 00
15Tiberi AntonioBahrain Victorious+ 00
16De Plus LaurensINEOS Grenadiers+ 00
17Jacobs JohanGroupama-FDJ+ 00
18Poole MaxTeam Picnic PostNL+ 00
19Meurisse XandroAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
20Grégoire RomainGroupama-FDJ+ 00
21Wandahl FrederikRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 00
22Van Wilder IlanSoudal Quick-Step+ 00
23Teuns DylanCofidis+ 00
24Watson SamINEOS Grenadiers+ 00
25Roglic PrimozRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 00
26Cavagna RemiGroupama-FDJ+ 00
27Powless NeilsonEF Education-EasyPost+ 00
28Almeida JoaoUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 00
29Livyns ArjenLotto+ 00
30Guérin AlexisAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 00
31Rota LorenzoIntermarché-Wanty+ 00
32Stork FlorianTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 00
33Caruso DamianoBahrain Victorious+ 00
34Christen JanUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 00
35Geoghegan Hart TaoLidl-Trek+ 00
36Großschartner FelixUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 00
37Antunes TiagoEfapel Cycling+ 00
38Vacek MathiasLidl-Trek+ 00
39Bou JoanCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 00
40Oomen SamLidl-Trek+ 00
41Hollmann JuriAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
42Arensman ThymenINEOS Grenadiers+ 00
43Söderqvist JakobLidl-Trek+ 00
44Allegaert PietCofidis+ 00
45Buchmann EmanuelCofidis+ 00
46Politt NilsUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 00
47Tratnik JanRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 00
48Benoot TiesjTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 00
49Bayer TobiasAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
50Tulett BenTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 00
51Rutsch JonasIntermarché-Wanty+ 00
52Küng StefanGroupama-FDJ+ 00
53Honore MikkelEF Education-EasyPost+ 00
54Johnston CalumCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 00
55Rochas RémyGroupama-FDJ+ 00
56Vergallito LucaAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
57Glivar GalAlpecin-Deceuninck+ 00
58Cattaneo MattiaSoudal Quick-Step+ 00
59Mosca JacopoLidl-Trek+ 00
60Fernandez RubenAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 00
61Voisard YannisTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 00
62Rex LaurenzIntermarché-Wanty+ 00
63Leal TiagoRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 00
64Rolland BrieucGroupama-FDJ+ 00
65Herrada JesusCofidis+ 00
66Silva AfonsoAP Hotels & Resorts - Tavira - SC Farense+ 00
67Schachmann MaxSoudal Quick-Step+ 00
68Wood HarrisonAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 00
69Goncalves GasparGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 00
70Combaud RomainTeam Picnic PostNL+ 00
71Verona CarlosLidl-Trek+ 00
72Fonte CesarRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 00
73Otruba JakubCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 00
74Lazkano OierRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 00
75Olivo BryanBahrain Victorious+ 20
76Asgreen KasperEF Education-EasyPost+ 20
77Dainese AlbertoTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 22
78Lampaert YvesSoudal Quick-Step+ 22
79Haller MarcoTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 22
80van den Broek FrankTeam Picnic PostNL+ 22
81Thornley CallumRed Bull-BORA-hansgrohe+ 22
82Froidevaux RobinTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 22
83van Sintmaartensdijk RoelIntermarché-Wanty+ 27
84Oliveira RuiUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 27
85Sorarrain GorkaCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 29
86Lopes LucasRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 29
87Kelderman WilcoTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 29
88Beullens CédricLotto+ 29
89Thomas GeraintINEOS Grenadiers+ 29
90Kuss SeppTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 29
91Valgren MichaelEF Education-EasyPost+ 29
92Costa RuiEF Education-EasyPost+ 29
93Gelders GilSoudal Quick-Step+ 29
94Alaphilippe JulianTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 35
95Braet VitoIntermarché-Wanty+ 42
96Silva JoaquimEfapel Cycling+ 48
97Van Moer BrentLotto+ 51
98De Buyst JasperLotto+ 51
99Izagirre IonCofidis+ 59
100Thomas BenjaminCofidis+ 01:27
101Tivani NicolasAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 01:39
102Vingegaard JonasTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 00
104Pinheiro IvoFeirense - Beeceler+ 04:45
105Galvez Lopez JorgeAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 04:45
106Ibanez JavierCaja Rural-Seguros RGA+ 05:14
107Swirbul KeeganEfapel Cycling+ 06:28
108Pinto PedroEfapel Cycling+ 06:28
109Carvalho RuiGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 06:28
110Durães RafaelRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 06:28
111Nunes HugoCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 06:28
112Welten BramTeam Picnic PostNL+ 06:28
113Vangheluwe WarreSoudal Quick-Step+ 06:28
114Goncalves HelderRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 06:28
115Del Pino JesusAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 06:28
116Oliveira IvoUAE Team Emirates-XRG+ 06:28
117Nych ArtemAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 06:28
118Shaw JamesEF Education-EasyPost+ 06:28
119van Belle LoeTeam Visma | Lease a Bike+ 08:11
120Grignard SébastienLotto+ 08:11
121Carvalho AndréEfapel Cycling+ 08:11
122Bruttomesso AlbertoBahrain Victorious+ 08:11
123Bustamante AdriánGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 08:14
124Kamp AlexanderIntermarché-Wanty+ 08:14
125Lienhard FabianTudor Pro Cycling Team+ 08:14
126Reis RafaelAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 08:14
127Montez AlexandreCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 08:14
128Domínguez DavidAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 08:14
129Ribeiro AndréGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 08:14
130Domingues DuarteCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 09:40
131Van Mechelen VladBahrain Victorious+ 10:34
132Barbosa DiogoAP Hotels & Resorts - Tavira - SC Farense+ 10:34
133Salgueiro MiguelAP Hotels & Resorts - Tavira - SC Farense+ 10:34
134Shmidt ArtemINEOS Grenadiers+ 10:43
135Mesa SantiagoEfapel Cycling+ 10:45
136Costa FabioAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 10:52
137Contte TomasAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 10:55
138Ferreira AntonioEfapel Cycling+ 14:58
139Leaça GonçaloCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 15:27
140Leal ClaudioAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 15:27
141Askey LewisGroupama-FDJ+ 15:27
142Guavita Cesar DavidGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 15:27
143Oyarzun CarlosAviludo - Louletano - Loulé+ 15:27
144Oliveira GoncaloAnicolor - Tien21 Cycling Team+ 15:27
145Eulalio AfonsoBahrain Victorious+ 15:27
146De Paula VictorFeirense - Beeceler+ 17:16
147Amado GoncaloRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 17:16
148Silva BrunoTavfer - Ovos Matinados - Mortágua+ 17:16
149Valls Alemany MiquelGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 17:16
150Campos NoahGi Group Holding - Simoldes - UDO+ 17:16
151Martingil CesarTavfer - Ovos Matinados - Mortágua+ 17:19
152Narciso DiogoCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 27:46
153Martins JoãoRadio Popular - Paredes - Boavista+ 27:46
154Borges JoseFeirense - Beeceler+ 30:15
155Andrade PedroFeirense - Beeceler+ 30:20
156Morais FranciscoTavfer - Ovos Matinados - Mortágua+ 33:11
157Pinto DiogoAP Hotels & Resorts - Tavira - SC Farense+ 33:11
158Campos FranciscoAP Hotels & Resorts - Tavira - SC Farense+ 33:11
159Oliveira João NunoCredibom - LA Alumínios - Marcos Car+ 33:11
claps 0visitors 0
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