Gall, Bennett, Armirail, Godon, Lapeira... multiple choices for Decathlon in the Tour de France 2024

One of the best teams in the 2024 season, Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale, has just presented its line-up for the Tour de France. The French team will arrive with Felix Gall, stage winner and top 10 of the Tour de France last year as leader, but also with interesting riders capable of winning on all terrains as they have been demonstrating all year.

The last two Decahlon wins this year have come from both Lapeira and Armirail in the French road and time trial championships. Before that, Bennett's four wins in Dunkerque stand out. Godon this year has won 2 stages and the Points classification at the Tour de Romandie.

The Irishman Sam Bennett comes with renewed morale after many months of hardship after several victories this year in the 4 Jours de Dunkerque and a second place in the sprint in Dauphiné.

Paul Lapeira comes from winning the French road championship and is showing tremendous speed in the final meters so he will have to be kept in mind for a breakaway along with two others who are coming out in 2024: Bruno Armirail and Dorian Godon.

Lapeira in addition to leaving for Florence with the tricolor on his jersey, has won this year the Classic Loire Atlantique and Cholet Agglo Tour, a stage in the Itzulia and finished fifth in the Amstel Gold Race. A lot of powder with which to try to do some damage in the Grande Boucle.

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We will have to see what Felix Gall, who in 2023 saved the season for a then sad AG2R team and who so far this year has not performed at too high a level, being only ninth in Paris-Nice and tenth in a Tour de Suisse that did not have a big participation, is capable of doing.

Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale lineup for Tour de France 2024:

Felix Gall
Sam Bennett
Bruno Armirail
Dorian Godon
Paul Lapeira
Oliver Naesen
Nans Peters
Nicolas Prodhomme

Article written by Juan Larra.

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