Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success

The 2024 route of the Volta a Catalunya has been announced, and race organizers have not spared the use of mountains. In an edition that will be highlighted the presence of Tadej Pogacar, the riders find three mountain stages with summit finishes.

The seven-day race begins once again in Sant Feliu de Guíxols where some sprinters and puncheurs will fight for victory in the same uphill finish as the past two years - one unfortunately known for being the location of Sonny Colbrelli's heart failure, last year's a thrilling sprint between Primoz Roglic and Remco Evenepoel. Stage 4 into Lleida should be the only regular bunch sprint, whilst stage 5 has a flat finish but at the end of a hilly day into Viladecans.

Stage 2 finishes atop the Vallter 2000 climb which is 15 kilometers long at almost 7%, with a summit finish at 2147 meters of altitude. Stage 3 ends atop Port Ainé after two long ascents - the final climb is 18.4 kilometers long at 6.7% and sees it's return for the first time since 2021. Both can be crucial for GC, but a new stage comes into play.

Stage 6 has a summit finish at Queralt, which comes in a day with six categorized climbs including a special category halfway through the day. A new challenge that should seal the overall classification in what is a short day of racing. The race ends in the traditional explosive circuit in Barcelona which includes multiple laps of the Alto de Montjuic.

You can see the official profiles below:

Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 1: Sant Feliu de Guíxols - Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 173.9 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 2: Mataró - Vallter 2000, 186.5 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 3: Sant Joan de les Abadesses - Port Ainé, 176.7 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 4: Sort - Lleida, 169.2 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 5: Altafulla - Viladecans, 167.3 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 6: Berga - Queralt, 154.7 kilometers
Discover the profiles of the 2024 Volta a Catalunya - Tadej Pogacar to find 3 very hard mountain stages in search of GC success
Stage 7: Barcelona - Barcelona, 145.3 kilometers

Read more about:
Cycling Volta a Catalunya

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