Cycling expert Rodrigo Beenkens believes Julian Alaphilippe can return to his former level: "It's perhaps more mental"

Cycling expert and experienced commentator Rodrigo Beenkens talked about his expectations for Julian Alaphilippe's 2024 season among other stuff in an interview with Cyclism'Actu.

Does Beenkens think that Alaphilippe can return to his former level? "I hope so, because when we see the Alaphilippe who was world champion in Leuven and Imola, he is a magnificent rider in his way of attacking, of riding, of achieving his objectives. He has brought so much to cycling French. If you take stock of the last 10 years without him..."

"It's perhaps more mental: what does he still want and have the strength to do? Only he himself has the answer. He succeeded in his career on the Tour de France, beyond all expectations. But in the classics...," Beenkens continues.

"His record on the Monuments is really too little compared to his talent. Everything is a question of choice. Wout Van Aert is somewhat faced with this situation there too. They are champions, they should be more selfish. I don't think we should ask such riders to put themselves at the service of others," he concludes.

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