Cofidis aims for stage wins at Tour de France - Axel Zingle in despite Visma controversy; Bryan Coquard and Guillaume Martin in the lead

Cofidis are ready for the Tour de France. This Monday, most teams have made the decisions for their lineups and are revealing their '8'. Cofidis will likely fully aim for a stage win throughout the two weeks, to match what they have achieved last year with Victor Lafay and Ion Izagirre.

Izagirre returns and is a contender to win throughout the three weeks, although he has not had great form this season. He and compatriot Jesús Herrada will be seeking stage wins mostly in the hilly days. This will be the priority for the team, with Axel Zingle perhaps being the strongest card in the team's deck to win on such days, packing a strong sprint but thriving in the explosive terrain. He will race, despite rumours that he'd be taken out of the lineup because of his expected signing for Team Visma | Lease a Bike.

In the mountains Izagirre will be joined by Simon Geschke - who was 14th at the recent Giro d'Italia, a very promising result where he showed great form. And Guillaume Martin will be the other card for the mountains as he continues to pursue the Tour de France stage win he's been seeking for years. It's unlikely that the Frenchman will aim for the GC as the competition grows stronger and he hasn't shown the form to compete this year.

In the sprints the team will also be lively with certainty; specially on the hilly days. Bryan Coquard will be aiming for a stage win. In the sprints he will be supported by trusted leadout men Alexis Renard and Piet Allegaert. The French team will also aim for UCI points as they look to maintain their position in the World Tour beyond 2025, and naturally this will be a key sponsor goal because of it's French sponsor.

Cofidis for Tour de France:

Bryan Coquard
Guillaume Martin
Ion Izagirre
Jesús Herrada
Simon Geschke
Alexis Renard
Axel Zingle
Piet Allegaert

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