"At the end of the day it is impossible to keep Covid out" - Mauro Gianetti gutted to see Joao Almeida depart the Vuelta a Espana

Pre-race, everyone was talking about the strength in depth of the UAE Team Emirates lineup at the 2024 Vuelta a Espana. Now though, after Joao Almeida was forced to abandon ahead of stage 9 due to Covid, the team has been left somewhat rudderless.

"That is very sad. We already saw that he had a bad day yesterday, and it turned out to be for a reason," UAE Team Emirates CEO Mauro Gianetti reacts to the news in conversation with VTM, from the start of stage 9 in Motril, referencing the Portuguese's somewhat surprising crack on stage 8. "In the evening we saw that something was wrong. He tested positive for the coronavirus."

In the end, it was decided best for both the rider's long term health and the whole of UAE Team Emirates' hopes for the race, for Almeida to depart the Grand Tour completely. "He was in good shape and was in a good position in the classification, but now we'll have to approach it differently," says the Swiss. "That's just the way it is. We have to take it as it comes. There are still many stages to come, and we'll do everything we can to make it beautiful."

Gianetti also doesn't blame anyone in particular for Covid working its way into the UAE Team Emirates set up, despite the notable lack of masks on show in the team, even now. "We provide individual rooms and masseurs who treat the same rider every day, but at the end of the day it is impossible to keep Covid out," Gianetti concludes.

Following Almeida's abandon, the untested Isaac del Toro is the best placed on GC for UAE Team Emirates at the 2024 Vuelta a Espana. With talented riders such as Adam Yates still there also however, it might not be all over just yet for the squad's podium hopes.

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