"You really shouldn't underestimate this" - Kirsten Wild blown away by Lotte Kopecky's performances on both road and track

Lotte Kopecky has been in the form of her life recently. After securing herself a World Championship title on the track in the Elimination Race, ex-pro Kirsten Wild believes she will be one of the favourites to take the Rainbow Jersey on the road.

"You really shouldn't underestimate this," Wild says of the Belgian supreme ability to switch between road and track. "I had contact with her for a while and asked her if she had enjoyed it after the Tour. She said she didn't have time for it. I sent her a message again on Sunday if she could enjoy it now? She said she had to continue."

Wild believes it's that incessant will to win and Kopecky never being happy to settle for what she's got that has seen the Team SD Worx rider become so successful. "She doesn't have time to enjoy herself, but she shows how incredibly strong she is, physically and mentally," Wild explains. "She's had a very difficult year with the loss of her brother and she's in the spotlight."

"You could always see that she had talent, but she was still a bit shy as a young rider. That sometimes got in the way, but now she has taken a huge step. She really is a sportswoman," she finishes, concluding with a look towards the road race. "I think this preparation is perfect. Maybe she is even fresher at the start than with a normal road preparation."

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