“I find it incredible that Mathieu Van der Poel forgave me" - Felipe Nystrom looks onwards after Gavere controversy

Felipe Nystrom and Mathieu van der Poel are two names that few expected to see in the headlines after the Gavere World Cup on the 26th of February. However an incident where the World Champion pushed the Costs Rican became a big controversy, but all ends well for the duo and Nystrom is thankful for how it turned out.

Van der Poel at the time pushed Nystrom, who had stopped on the course to take a selfie with a fan before his race was ended by race commissaires due to being lapped. Many argued on social media on whether van der Poel's move was justified (with footage being unclear at the time on TV broadcast). Nystrom admitted however that it was his fault afterwards. But van der Poel has in the meantime forgave him for the incident.

“I find it incredible that Mathieu Van der Poel forgave me. Amazing. Above all, it proves what a nice person the World champion is," Nystrom told Het Nieuwsblad. "After the cross I tried to apologize to him. In vain. Although I still hope to apologize to him personally.” He had said he'd give his spot in the Hulst World Cup to another teammate who had made the trip to Europe, however it's unsure if that plan will follow after the words that have been shared throughout the past day.

“I assume there are other people mad at me. Or deeply disappointed. I've made countless mistakes in my life. Gavere was another big one. Although I know better than anyone that it doesn't matter how many mistakes you make in life. The trick is to get up again and again after a low point," he concludes.

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