VIDEO: Chris Harper provides reassuring video update following nasty crash at the Tour of the Alps

There was a scary moment on stage 4 of the Tour of the Alps on Thursday, as Team Jayco AlUla leader Chris Harper crashed nastily on a descent with his head crashing into a lamppost on the roadside.

Thankfully, the Australian was described as only having "superficial wounds and a mild concussion," by a Team Jayco AlUla statement on Thursday night. A relatively lucky break considering how bad things looked in the initial incident.

Now, Harper himself had provided a reassuring video update. "Hey everyone, just wanted to say thanks for all the nice messages to the team and to myself," he starts. "Obviously I had a bit of a nasty crash yesterday at the Tour of the Alps but luckily, I came away pretty unscathed."

"A bit of skin off and a bit sore but nothing broken so yeah, recover now and then on to the next one," Harper concludes optimistically. "Thanks a heap for all your nice messages, it really means a lot!"

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