Can Elisa Longo Borghini replace Demi Vollering at SD Worx? Italian leaving Lidl-Trek in 2024

The women's cycling scene is undergoing major changes ahead of the 2025 season, with surprising moves among the leaders of the most prominent teams. Demi Vollering, one of today's most prominent female cyclists, decided to leave SD Worx to join the ranks of FDJ. This transfer has now been followed up with another move by the rider who is putting her in the most trouble this year: Elisa Longo Borghini.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport's Ciro Scognamiglio, Longo Borghini will not renew her contract with Lidl-Trek, which expires at the end of 2024. This change will be effective from 2025, anticipating a new stage in the career of the 32-year-old Piedmontese rider, undisputed symbol of Italian cycling and winner of this year's Tour of Flanders.

Longo Borghini's decision to switch teams after six seasons with Lidl-Trek, where she has scored 23 victories, including Roubaix 2022 and her recent win at Flanders 2024, has been verified by Gazzetta with team manager Luca Guercilena. Guercilena commented, "Elisa Longo Borghini has made the decision to leave the team at the end of the season, despite our desire to extend her contract with Lidl-Trek. This is part of the game."

"Together we have achieved great results, thanks to the support given to her by the team and her teammates. Lidl-Trek will continue to strive to remain a reference team for women's cycling, working to recruit young riders, supporting great champions and developing a culture of fairness in the sport. We wish Longo Borghini all the best for the coming seasons".

These moves reflect the dynamics and competitiveness that characterize women's cycling today. Vollering's arrival at FDJ and Longo Borghini's departure from Lidl-Trek pose new strategies and challenges for both riders and their teams. Both riders have proven to be benchmarks in their respective disciplines and their team changes promise to significantly influence the competitions to come. Whilst there is no connection, yet, there are not many teams with the budget to take in Longo Borghini and the Dutch team see Vollering depart which significantly boosts their chances of signing a new leader with her salary.

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