“I did not come here for a fourth place" - Disappointed Alec Segaert misses out on podium in U23 ITT at 2024 World Championships

Monday, 23 September 2024 at 21:00

Belgium's Alec Segaert entered the under 23 individual time trial as a heavy pre-race favourite. Sadly, the recent European Championships winner couldn't match that feat in Zurich, eventually fading badly to finish off the podium completely in 4th.

“I am disappointed, definitely,” Segaert admitted afterwards to VTM NIEUWS. “I did not come here for a fourth place. But that was all there was to it. On the climb everything went perfectly, but there was no recovery on the descent. When I reached the flat after the last intermediate point, I quickly felt that I was no longer reaching my wattages."

"What followed was a long road of suffering towards the finish," continues the Belgian, having eventually crossed the line 54 seconds slower than the new Rainbow Jersey Ivan Romeo. "Yes, this is definitely hitting hard. This was a big goal, right from the start of the season. I did everything I could to have a top day here. But that was not the case.”

World Championship under-23 men's time trial results:

1 ROMEO IvánSpain36.42,70
2 SÖDERQVIST JakobSweden0.32,05
3 CHRISTEN JanSwitzerland0.40,68
4 SEGAERT AlecBelgium0.54,09
5 ORINS RobinBelgium0.57,87
6 RAFFERTY DarrenIreland1.01,52
7 BEHRENS NiklasGermany1.08,23
8 SHMIDT ArtemUnited States1.10,04
9 MOURIS WesselNetherlands1.11,43
10 RAFFERTY AdamIreland1.17,67
11 DECOMBLE MaximeFrance1.17,87
12 DEL TORO IsaacMexico1.23,83
13 RACCAGNI NOVIERO AndreaItaly1.32,06
14 EDDY PatrickAustralia1.35,41
15 BLAISE ArthurFrance1.36,69
16 PEDERSEN Rasmus SøjbergDenmark1.42,48
17 AUGUST AndrewUnited States1.43,43
18 WIGGINS BenGreat Britain1.57,28
19 WEISS FabianSwitzerland1.59,18
20 CHARLTON JoshGreat Britain2.05,11
21 OLIVO BryanItaly2.14,14
22 MIKUTIS AivarasLithuania2.22,13
23 MORGADO AntónioPortugal2.24,56
24 HUISING MennoNetherlands2.25,58
25 THEILER OleGermany2.29,17
26 GAJDULEWICZ MateuszPoland2.30,06
27 JØRGENSEN Adam HolmDenmark2.32,97
28 SCHWARZBACHER MatthiasSlovakia2.34,10
29 VANDENBRANDEN NoahBelgium2.46,06
30 KÄLLBERG AxelFinland2.50,21
31 REMKHE AndreyKazakhstan2.56,80
32 VINOKUROV NicolasKazakhstan3.04,11
33 STIEGER AdrianAustria3.04,42
34 WALTON JonasCanada3.13,46
35 BELOKI MarkelSpain3.13,53
36 GEARY DillonSouth Africa3.36,15
37 NARRAWAY NicholasBermuda3.37,89
38 DUNÁR DominikSlovakia3.46,87
39 YAKOVLEV DaniilUkraine3.48,55
40 GIERYK KacperPoland3.55,56
41 PŘIDAL TomášCzech Republic4.02,33
42 CRAUSE PedriSouth Africa4.07,13
43 RUBEŠ DanielCzech Republic4.29,38
44 REMKHI RudolfKazakhstan4.44,66
45 RUIZ Jeferson ArmandoColombia4.47,66
46 QUINTANA Hector ExequielChile4.50,30
47 ALMUTAIWEI MohammadUnited Arab Emirates5.31,52
48 DE COMARMOND AurelienMauritius5.33,90
49 LEONARD MichaelCanada5.34,50
50 LOMURIA PaulUganda5.37,99
51 SYELHAN MuhammadIndonesia5.41,44
52 ROGORA KiyaEthiopia5.48,45
53 SIMON SemenUkraine5.50,45
54 LOROT LawrenceUganda5.55,21
55 LI ZhenChina6.32,20
56 KAMADA KokiJapan6.47,71
57 PETROV YordanBulgaria6.53,58
58 ROYAN Muhammad AndyIndonesia7.04,54
59 IOANNOU ConstantinosCyprus7.34,38
60 UZUN EmirTurkey7.46,42
61 KHADBAATAR TemuulenMongolia8.19,59
62 MASENGESHO VainqueurRwanda8.31,63
63 ESSEMIANI Nasrallah Mohamed AissaAlgeria8.33,22
64 LEI DiegoVenezuela8.41,16
65 ALTANGEREL DavaajargalMongolia9.25,54
66 TUYIZERE EtienneRwanda9.30,10
67 TAHA AmirEthiopia10.06,13
68 BADLIS SlimaneAlgeria10.12,61
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