Calendar for the cyclocross season 2024/25 revealed, including 12 World Cup races

End of May and the new cyclo-cross calendar is finally known. Het Nieuwsblad brings an overview of the main field events for the next winter, with World Cup in Oristano, Sardinia as the most exotic destination in 2024/25.

At the end of February, the UCI introduced four protective weekends. No other international races on the calendar may be organized during these weekends. "Boom just fell during one of those 'protected weekends'," says Christophe Impens from organizing party. "That is actually the only reason that the cross will not take place. Will it be included in the calendar again next season? No idea, that will depend on the calendar."

"In general we are satisfied with the new calendar. For example, look at Essen, which in recent years took place on Saturday, and Val di Sole the next day on Sunday, which meant that few riders from the top twenty were at the start. Now this has been brought forward, which will make it more interesting for riders."

An important part of the cyclocross season is in the Christmas period, when the biggest crowds come to see top-level cyclocross. For that reason a choice of destination during this period was just as important for the non-World Cup competitions. "Mol (December 23) and Loenhout (December 27) also get a nice place on the calendar. We are already satisfied," concludes Impens.

The cross season starts on October 12 with Be-Mine Cross in Beringen. Then it will be a mix of Superprestige and X2O Trofee rounds until the beginning of World Cup on November 24 in Antwerpen, followed by Dublin (December 01), Oristano (Dec 08), Namen (Dec 15), Hulst (Dec 21), Zonhoven (Dec 22), Gavere (Dec 26) and Besançon (Dec 29).

The new year will kick off with traditional GP Sven Nys, which will be part of the X2O Trofee this year. World Cup will restart in Dendermonde (January 5), after which it will take another short break due to National championships on the second weekend of January.

From here onwards the ball will keep rolling with Benidorm (Jan 19), Maasmechelen (Jan 25) and Hoogerheide (Jan 26), until the World championships at the end of January and start of February in Liévin, France.

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