6 confirmed for Cofidis' Tour de France lineup - Jesús Herrada looks to add to Vuelta a Espana wins

The Cofidis team has confirmed its sixth rider for the 2024 Tour de France and it is none other than Spaniard Jesús Herrada. The French team, which in 2023 completed its best Grande Boucle in many years with two stage victories, trusts in the skills of the climber from Cuenca to try to repeat what he did in the last Vuelta a España: win a stage.

Thus, Cofidis still has two slots available after confirming Herrada and the previous ones: Guillaume Martin, Bryan Coquard (who just won at the Tour de Suisse and will arrive in the best form of his life), Alexis Renard, Simon Geschke and another Spaniard, Ion Izagirre, winner in 2023 who surely hopes to repeat. The two remaining places will be known on June 24 most likely, five days before the Tour starts in Florence.

This is what Herrada commented on the Cofidis networks after his selection: "The Tour de France and the World Championships are the most important races. There are no secrets, we are here to work and to try to get great results."

The 33-year old has three Vuelta wins in his palmarès (all in different years), and several more throughout an illustrious career. He's going to try and increase that even further this July. "In the Tour I already took second in a stage and we hope this year to get a similar or slightly better result. We are here training together, most of the team, to work and try to achieve great results and to have a good form for the next race and, above all, thinking about the Tour de France".


Jesús Herrada, who will turn 34 on July 26, has three wins in the Vuelta a España, one in the Dauphiné and the overall in the Tour of Luxembourg. As he indicated in his statements, he was second in a stage of the Tour de France in 2020. Only Alexey Lutsenko was better than him that day on Mont Aigoual. We'll see if he achieves his dream of winning in a breakaway in the Tour de France.

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