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- Every time this happens I think back to the Tokyo Olympics and Anna Kiesenhofer’s amazing win.
- British are killing the British Cycling fans 😅
- It's good that having Jasper Stuyven in your team is a very nice compliment wherever he race. He's a good compliment if the leader has bad luck and be domestique afterall. He can do all. He always praise and a fan of Mads, MvdP and Pogi.
- 1. Pro riders, especially at that speed, wouldn't easily fall over. 2. Again, pro riders wouldn't really have that problem. In reality, upright bikes are inherently less stable, as their center of mass is higher. 3. Yes, the US. And we do have very complex roads (in the East, especially the mountains). Also, I don't think there are worse roads in developed countries than the US (for bikes). And remember, due to people wanting the bikes the pros ride, the UCI almost has the ability to decide what is sold, at least what is popular. So, if they allowed recumbents, or didn't exist, then people would choose what is most effective. Recumbents are more faster, and ones with fairing are much faster and are mostly weatherproof, making riding more practical for more weather conditions, increasing their usage for commuting, and in the end increasing health.
Long story short, the UCI actually contributes to mortality, due to their foolish rules.
- A joke stops being funny when try to explain why it is funny. There is no need to overanalyize it and explain your understanding or anybody else's understanding of the joke.
- Price gouging, plain and simple. Just another nail in the coffin of UK cycling. You have to feel for the athletes who are out there trying to inspire the next generations, unfortunately less and less people will be reached as we are priced out and the sport will suffer.
- it's on FloBikes
- That’s a terrible analogy, especially the Vin/CR part.
It would have been more interesting to add a few and compare with tennis.
- 1. In one sense yes but if they’re closed it wouldn’t be easy to avoid lateral knocking and that would often lead to crashes by toppling over.
2. Yes, technically everything would be possible. You’d still need to train though and I’m not sure many would feel comfortable doing so in traffic.
3. Are you in the US? Roads in many parts of the world are too complex for the flag thing to be a big help, especially now that taller SUVs have caught up.
I’d be enthusiastic about anyone kickstarting the sport but I have no illusions about it becoming popular in public or for mobility. No past 2-wheel faired concepts ever gained traction, the at the time audacious Sinclair C5 was an even bigger flop than Delorean cars or soon the Cybertruck ;-) BMW’s roofed motorbike wasn’t much better accepted, there is no money to be made from these types of vehicles though I admit I’ve been surprised by the relative popularity of double front wheeled motorbikes but then they have a pretty generic motorbike look. People are very resistant to change when it comes to locomotion.
- It’s 2025, surely you can figure out a workaround?
Not going to suggest the obvious for fear of it turning viral and adding another 1-2% to global electricity consumption but in this era where EVERYONE uploads or livestreams almost EVERYTHING, it doesn’t take a genius to organise a hack.