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- Ganna is not an sprinter... yes, obviously like DS I'd prefer Milan. Ganna has a lot of talent but... sincerely, I don't know very well in what (talking about roads). Yes, he's good in TT and maybe has a future in classics. He said that will abandon the tracks and all his effort will be put in road. This year maybe I could understand better who is Ganna as road cyclist.
- Totally agree, it was made by someone who knew little about cycling and a lot about audience of realities show or similar.
- And if he’d been in a team with Ganna and they told Ganna he’d have to concede his spot?
Just to complicate things, don’t forget the saga about the last-minute entry of WVA at the CX WC
- That’s what the average Netflix viewer is interested in, they’re not cycling fans. The only reason the figures were good is that suddenly a load of cycling fans subscribed for a month. But when Netflix saw no durable gain in viewer numbers they realised it wasn’t profitable. They want to grow their base, not rely or running after occasional viewers.
- Overestimated the number of people in the genpop who are actually interested enough to pick cycling amongst an unlimited amount of screen fodder.
Netflix is to the film whatMcDonalds is to food
- If you find and fall through the deepest cracks there are parts of society that do their best but as an individual person trying to keep up appearances, you’re hardly likely to be noticed amongst the huge crowds seeking help, so EITHER you have to make that first big difficult step of seeking out available help, or you find out if you have any real friends. Some people do, some don’t. You are not necessarily to blame for not having friends but when you find that out a hard way, you should really question yourself as to how you’ll go on selecting your entourage in future.
- ahahah, maybe... perhaps unconsciously I am moved by Italianness, but I think that objectively this year Milan deserves the Tour de France. Next year we will see.
- Sure :-) But Pogi is not type of racer that would race without chance for winning...
- Excuses, Tadej in the Tour 2023 had a lot of crisis, up and down, a really roller coaster, the fight with Jonas was incredibile... BUT they were more interested in show in details the O'connor's tantrums. Come on... no talent.
- The question is if he should race it this year, not win