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- Am I mistaken or can every comment by Remco be distilled down into just one word?
- If you're going to be a WT rider you don't have any time left over to world class anything else.
- Trophy Teams. Plain and simple. Eventually all that's left at the table are the whales.
- You know what - part of me feels like it's a good thing: how many potential cycling greats did we miss out on because they (or their parents) chose a more lucrative sport (e.g. football, tennis, etc.)?
- i know what you mean about willful misinterpretation, but it’s better for my peace of mind to just proceed as if everyone is being completely sincere.
- chapeau.
- yeah, i mean, i’ll bring this back to mathieu, which is where it started in this instance. now i realize there are MANY, MANY fans who dislike mvdp (and probably not ALL of them are belgians, but…) and scream and shout whenever van der poel crosses a finish line and completely COLLAPSES in a heap on the ground. they yell “FAKER!” “DRAMA QUEEN!” “DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION!” i can’t make ANY of that jibe with how i’ve seen this guy behave over the last 10+ years. i tend to take it at face value. the guy has a considerable engine and gas tank, and in some cases (amstel gold 2019, et al) he needs to and is willing to empty that tank in a way few others can or will. again, SOMEBODY has to be the best at this, because SOMEBODY is the best at EVERYTHING. mathieu is REALLY GOOD at doing THAT.
- You mean apart from:
Equaling XC WC record
Remaining Monuments
A respectable number of TDF stages
Besting XC WC record
Olympic gold
Maybe in that order, maybe all of them :-)
- Just like speed limits on the road. It is impossible to exceed them.
- It’s one of those words everyone has a right to use in the way they feel and it is up to the reader/listener to interpret in which way it was intended. Some people or more, others less good at that but in this age many deliberately misinterpret, they (no-one in particular here) know exactly what was meant but it suits agendas to pretend otherwise. That said, limits in sport are used in a multitude of ways and so understanding context is crucial, you can pass your current limit (skill, physical, mental, performance, and improve, it’s something we all do, we have to to get from current to future level. Basically we never can attain the final limit, there is always margin for improvement but we are also always stuck at a limit until we get past it. Inthink what makes champions is that they refuse to accept their current limits and can always surprise by pushing to a new level they don’t know they’ll reach in advance. It is the nature of sport, moving the goalpost limits further and further. We have seen impossible limits come and go, eg in athletics 10s sprint 4m mile 1h semi and soon 2h marathon, 9000 decathlon. With accidents it’s different again, non-fatal ones allow us to learn where limits are or were and see if we can push them more, fatal ones embed an image of defined limits that can’t be altered.