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- Bernal, Remco - how do these teams not have support to keep their multi million dollar investments safe in training rides?
Be it scooters ahead of them or finding safer routes, this is insane.
- ahahahahahha
- what??? Jonas has a climber perfect physique. He is very light, enormous quadriceps and if you see him from the side, you'll see a huge thorax (big lugs). Better than that impossibile, he was born to climb, a specialist. Tadej is versatile as his physique shows. He's not a specialist.
- Heal up Remco!
- I never considered him arrogant. He was outspoken at times and angry at other times. He's a professional athlete, sometimes they are emotional.
- Embarrassing, lol
- Hope he recovers quickly!
- It's a figure of speech, life is not always literal and cynicism is mostly held onto by lazy people.
- Didn't those ex sponsors cheat through Armstrong? Do you think that most of them didn't know that it's impossible to make 500 watts up a mountain for an hour? Armstrong was a cyclist, I agree he did a lot of bad things but everyone should have a chance at redemption.
- And suspicion isn’t proof, not that you need proof to ban anyone from sport.
Most ordinary* people have no idea what it’s like having to defend yourself to prove your innocence which is the threshold in doping.
They live their comfortable little lives with its little immoral sideshows in a bubble of « bliss « never attracting scrutiny as the presumption of innocence makes them unworthy of investigation.
Imagine you would get accused of theft or fraud or violence or tax evasion or you name it but the onus was on you to PROVE it wasn’t you, AND you had to pay for it all out of your own pocket (which incidentally means if the accuser is the state/country there is a conflict of interest as they gather taxes on your costs) knowing that even if you manage to prove your innocence you will likely get nothing or only a portion (of the costd, never mind repairs to other damage such as reputation, career, family & connections ) back,
Whatever happened to civilizing society? I reckon it’s like fossil fuels (you get to a peak and it’s only downhill from then on) only 10-20 years in advance.