"I felt like going all-in" - Puck Pieterse takes the risk but not the win at Troyes World Cup

It was a successful return to cyclocross from Puck Pieterse, however one without a win. The Dutch national champion put on an aggressive performance in Troyes but could only manage a second place on the day.

“It was a very tough race, I was definitely woken up. I had a very good start, I felt like going all-in. I placed a few attacks, but then Ceylin [del Carmen Alvarado] placed one really good attack. I just couldn't keep up," Pieterse admitted following the race. The explanation was quite simple, the Dutchwoman cracked in the second half of the race, unable to keep up with a high pace, whereas Ceylin del Carmen Alvarado was able to keep it all the way into the finish.

"I was very enthusiastic at the start, that's for sure. The two of us immediately had a gap. Then I had to pay for it," Pieterse says. Her lap times lowered, she payed a high price for her early attacks in the race. "I think I caught my breath a bit, yes. If you haven't raced for a while, you need to get back into it," she adds however, pushing away pressure from the victory.

"Am I satisfied? Second is podium, so at least I woke up feeling good. But when Ceylin kept coming back, it came to mind that you ride more with mud tires and have more resistance. That's why I decided to switch again, but I don't know if it was faster.” Either ways the 20-year old is back to competition and will be chasing more wins in the meantime, whilst Fem van Empel is also currently away from racing.

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Cyclocross Puck Pieterse

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