Youngest and oldest riders at the 2024 Tour de France - 20 and 39 years of age

The Tour de France is the single most important cycling race in the world and features most of the best riders in the world. This includes riders from a wide spectrum of ages; we take a look into the youngest and oldest riders in this year's race.

The respective exact ages are taken on the 27th June 2024 and have been collected by ProCyclingStats. The average age of the peloton this year is of 29 years and 109 days, around 150 days younger than last year's.

Youngest 10 riders at the 2024 Tour de France:

1  KULSET Johannes UXM 20y + 76d
2  MARTINEZ Lenny GFC 20y + 354d
3  GRÉGOIRE Romain GFC 21y + 160d
4  ONLEY Oscar DFP 21y + 260d
5  AYUSO Juan UAD 21y + 287d
6  DE LIE Arnaud LTD 22y + 105d
7  PAGE Hugo IWA 22y + 341d
8  VAUQUELIN Kévin ARK 23y + 64d
9  LAURANCE Axel ADC 23y + 77d
10  GARCÍA PIERNA Raúl ARK 23y + 127d

The youngest rider at the start this year is Uno-X Mobility's Johannes Kulset at a young 20 years of age, only turned in April of this year. The Norwegian suffered harsh facial injuries in a crash suffered in a training camp back in late May but has nevertheless made it to the start. Lenny Martínez, who wasn't initially scheduled to race the Tour, is the only other 20-year old present in the race. The likes of Juan Ayuso, Arnaud De Lie and Kévin Vauquelin are among the other youngest riders in the race.

Oldest 10 riders at the 2024 Tour de France:

1  FUGLSANG Jakob IPT 39y + 99d
2  MØRKØV Michael AST 39y + 60d
3  CAVENDISH Mark AST 39y + 39d
4  GESCHKE Simon COF 38y + 108d
5  THOMAS Geraint IGD 38y + 35d
6  COSTA Rui EFE 37y + 268d
7  CASTROVIEJO Jonathan IGD 37y + 63d
8  KRISTOFF Alexander UXM 36y + 360d
9  POELS Wout TBV 36y + 272d
10  MEZGEC Luka JAY 36y + 2d

When it comes to the oldest riders in the race, we actually have a very close battle. Jakob Fuglsang of Israel - Premier Tech is 39 years and 99 days old on this day, 39 days older than compatriot Michael Morkov and 60 older than the Manx Missile himself Mark Cavendish. Geraint Thomas, Rui Costa and Alexander Kristoff - former stage winners and certain contenders this year - are also among the most veteran.

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