United States bring the best they have to Olympic Games with ambitions for no less than gold medals

On Friday, USA Cycling announced the athletes who will compete in the Time Trial and Road Races at the Paris Olympics. If you're looking for surprising names, you're on a wrong address. American national coach Tanner Putt didn't complicate things and selected the best men and women he had available.

The only male rider in the selection with experience from Olympic Games is Brandon McNulty. The 26-year-old was close to a medal in Tokyo when he joined the move of later gold Richard Carapaz. He couldn't follow the Ecuadorian in the final, but it still made for a solid result for McNulty, he confirms in press release: "I was really excited to go to the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. That top result – 6th in the road race – just motivates me all the more. The race was super aggressive, I relive it all the time. At home in Arizona and Girona, I'm already training with 100% focus on Paris. My goal? Bring back a medal!"

Likewise his compatriots Magnus Sheffield and Matteo Jorgenson who will be both making an Olympic debut in Paris are excited to race under five circles. "It feels like a dream come true. Going to the Olympics was one of my biggest goals growing up," said Sheffield. "For sure it had a big effect on me and was one of the reasons I decided to pursue a career as a pro athlete," adds Jorgenson.

United States men selection for 2024 Olympic Games:

Brandon McNulty (both time trial and road race)
Magnus Sheffield (both time trial and road race)
Matteo Jorgenson (only road race)

The ladies' part of the selection is much more interesting. Chloé Dygert will be a big favourite for a medal in the time trial. And the same actually goes for her colleague, in the road cycling world relatively unknown Taylor Knibb. But the 26-year-old with triathlon roots has just become American time trial champion - claiming the highly-priced jersey with stars and stripes.

United States women selection for 2024 Olympic Games:

Chloé Dygert (both time trial and road race)
Taylor Knibb (both time trial and road race)

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