"The best decision I’ve ever made" - Lance Armstrong celebrates 1 year of sobriety from alcohol

Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 11:35
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Lance Armstrong occasionally appears in 'The Move' podcast where he continues to be a voice in cycling, but overall he lives most of his life off screen in recent years. However, he shares that he had been having alcohol problems, but has now been sober for one year.

"That was then. This is now. This piece of art really says it all. In fact, it’s a piece I have looked to for inspiration many times over the last decade as my life has been, shall I just say, interesting," the American wrote on a social media post

"But today, this exact date on the calendar, is different and the inspiration is also different. Very different. A year ago today I decided that my relationship with alcohol was off and no longer in my best interest. And also not in the best interest of my family, my friends, my team, and my community".

Armstrong was not the only successful rider of the time to struggle with alcohol or drugs, in fact many of his peers such as Marco Pantani and Jan Ullrich were in similar but more severe situations. Armstrong won at his time seven consecutive Tour de France editions, but had them stripped away after the admission of doping and an organized ring with the former US Postal team.

"I believe everything in life should be viewed as either a pump or a drain. An asset or a liability. A positive or a negative. Alcohol had become a drain, a liability, and a net negative to me. This was my decision, and today, I feel like it has been the best decision I’ve ever made".

"Six months ago I mentioned hearing ’a voice inside’ that I had finally listened to. A year in to this journey, I still hear that voice, only now it’s saying, 'Hey Lance, I am really proud of you'. Makes my day every time I hear it."

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