Speed skater Nils van der Poel on the radar of World Tour teams

With the experience and success of some transition stories in the peloton from athletes of other sports and disciplines, World Tour teams keep expanding their scouting and looking for new talents that can perform on the bike. Speed skater Nils van der Poel is currently on the radar of some.

According to Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, both EF Education - EasyPost and Jumbo-Visma are both in contacts with speed skater Nils van der Poel for a possible contract at the World Tour for next season. The Dutchman has recently taken two Olympic gold medals in Beijing and is an avid cyclist.

Jumbo-Visma also sponsor a speed skating team, which has recently sent eight athletes onto the winter Olympics. Between those is recently retired Sven Kramer, one of the sport's most successful athletes. In the past few years it has become frequent that athletes from other sports are taken into the World Tour to test their ability, with Jumbo-Visma having the examples of Primoz Roglic and Milan Vader (not different sport, but discipline).

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