Six police officers given special commendation for work on Mark Cavendish's house robbery

On the 27th of November 2021, the household of one of cycling's most famous names Mark Cavendish was robbed with the 'Manx Missile' and his family put through a brutal ordeal.

Thankfully, two men, Romario Henry, 31, and Ali Sesay, 28 have since been handed jail sentences of 15 years and 12 years respectively and now the police officers who worked tirelessly to bring justice to Cavendish and his family have now been given special commendation.

"No family should ever have to go through what we went through and I'm glad that two of the people have been sent to jail today for significant periods of time. But no matter what the sentence was, any parent will understand, I'm sure, that no time in prison could make up for what they did to us that night," Cavendish's wife Peta said at the time of the judgement.

Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington said: "Thanks to the outstanding work of our team of detectives and forensics specialists, two ruthless criminals are now serving significant prison sentences. This was a violent, targeted attack and the team worked tirelessly to identify the individuals responsible. Their dedication and professionalism were exceptional and they should be extremely proud of the role they played in bringing two dangerous men to justice."

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Mark Cavendish Cycling

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