"I want to give him a raise so that Jonas feels he is appreciated" - Uno-X Mobility manager desperate to keep Jonas Abrahamsen on-board despite many offers

Jonas Abrahamsen can look at the arguably best three weeks of his professional career. Ten days in the climbing jersey, three days in the green points jersey and one second place. Who would've thought that skinny puncheur who joined Uno-X back in 2020 would become one of the most feared attackers on the flat classics.

"It has been an adventure, a dream that has come true," summarizes the fan-favorite Abrahamsen to TV 2. Naturally, all the big teams contacted the 28-year-old's agent to see if it is possible to acquire his services.

"But I am grateful to be in Uno-X, where I have been taught since I was a child. I am very grateful to be part of the team and to receive very good help," Abrahamsen reassures. "Uno-X is one of the biggest reasons why I've gotten to where I am today, so it's a good team with such good support. I am very grateful for that."

At his current team, he has a contract through 2026 - that remains unchanged. But what might change are the numbers on Abrahamsen's payroll. According to TV 2, the current sum shouldn't represent the 28-year-old's value for Uno-X Mobility quite well. The general manager Thor Hushovd agrees that a raise is on the menu for one of the big Tour stars.

"Even though we have a long contract with him, it's not like we should be cynical and stick to it. I want to give him a raise so that Jonas feels he is appreciated. We just have to find the right timing. He has an agent with whom I speak regularly," Hushovd told TV 2.

Besides gaining massive popularity, Abrahamsen only brings home a runner-up result from stage 2. Next year, he'd like to stand on that podium as a stage winner though. "Getting more attention is yet another dream that has come true," laughs Abrahamsen. "It's fun, because it shows that you've done something well and that it's being noticed. It's just a matter of building on it, and maybe I'll get a stage win one day. I will do everything I can to come back next year and hopefully take a stage win," he promises.

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