Filippo Zana is defeated on Monte Grappa and loses his top 10 spot in the GC: "I simply did not have good legs"

While there absolutely no changes at the top ranks of the general classification, the battle for last few spots in the top 10 was in full motion and Filippo Zana fell victim to the Monte Grappa, losing more than 9 minutes to winner Pogacar and dropping from 9th to the final 11th spot overall as a consequence.

"I simply did not have good legs," the home rider indicated to Cycling Pro Net. "Already on the first time Monte Grappa I was struggling. I had to ride my own pace there and it was super tough."

"It is indeed very disappointing, but such things are part of the race, aren't they?", Zana continued. "All in all, I'm still very happy with how this Giro went. It was definitely okay and I can't complain in principle. This was simply not my day, but otherwise it went quite nicely."

Jayco AlUla entered the Giro with Eddie Dunbar as a GC leader, while Zana was to hunt stages, but plans must have been adjusted early on with the Irishman not starting to third stage. "We basically went here with the focus on chasing stages. But after Eddie dropped out, I decided to focus on the GC anyway. And that worked out pretty well. I will now focus on my other goals for this season," Zana concludes.

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