Month and a half after his life-threatening crash, Egan Bernal continues his path to recovery. What his future will look like is an uncertainty, but the the INEOS Grenadiers rider is motivated to have his body back to form as soon as possible.
Over the last few weeks, as the Colombian returned home and started his rehabilitation process, his updates on social media have become less frequent. This week however, Bernal has once again been active on Twitter and has let his fans know how he has been doing.
On a post in the 9th of March he shared his current weight which is at 57 kilos, joking that he was practically ready to be at the Tour de France as he had finally reached his dream weight whilst injured. The following day he's shared a picture poolside with the quote "Cyclist in progress", very much outlining where his mind is at the moment. On March 11th he shared a picture with the quote "Good new coming soon".
On the 24th of January he crashed into the back of a bus at high-speed in Colombia whilst out on a training ride and fractured almost 20 bones in his body. Miraculously, quick and efficient treatment has allowed him to continue his life relatively normal in comparison to what he was before the accident, and now he is capable of aiming very high.