"I haven't seen ducks yet" - Lars van der Haar takes a second place in cyclo-cross marked by 'duck attack'

Lars van der Haar finished second in the sixth round of the World Cup in Flamanville on Sunday afternoon. The Dutch champion initially wanted to make maximum use of the team play of Baloise Trek Lions, but was unable to prevent Eli Iserbyt from catching up to his teammate Pim Ronhaar. In the end, Van der Haar passed his compatriot too.

"It was difficult for me to get into my rhythm," says Van der Haar in an initial response. "I wanted to give Pim as many seconds as possible, but I couldn't consistently ride for Eli. In the end he was also the best, but I also felt strong and I am happy with my second place."

Halfway through the cross and also at the end, Iserbyt, Van der Haar and Nieuwenhuis had to avoid ducks on the course. "I haven't seen ducks yet, but I have seen dogs. Well, those creatures can't do much about it."

Van der Haar will leave tomorrow for an internship with Ronhaar to Mallorca. "That is essential for good fitness. Very fresh riders will soon be joining us," he points towards the Big three. "And we will have to train very hard to be ready for that."

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