Eli Iserbyt battles to brilliant win in Flamanville, as Lars van der Haar and Pim Ronhaar complete podium

Eli Iserbyt has powered his way to a second UCI World Cup win of the season. After battling hard to get to the front after a slow start, Iserbyt never looked back and secured a big win ahead of Baloise - Trek Lions duo Lars van der Haar and Pim Ronhaar.

The best of the early starters was Kevin Kuhn. The Swiss of Circus - Reuz - Technord, led the pack during the first lap. Although, as they crossed the line, there was nothing to separate the leading group that also featured the likes of Pim Ronhaar, Niels Vandeputte and Emiel Verstrynge.

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Of the leaders it was Ronhaar that began to press the advantage, attacking early on lap 2 to break clear of his rivals and at the conclusion of the second lap, the Baloise - Trek Lions man had extended his lead to 10 seconds over the chasers.

Leading the charge behind Ronhaar was Eli Iserbyt. But with Iserbyt being alongside a pair of the leader's teammates in Lars van der Haar and Joris Nieuwenhuis, the Belgian was getting no help.

After the riders were forced to take evasive action to avoid a pair of ducks who had flown onto the course, Iserbyt made his push to get back to Ronhaar.

Regaining contact on lap 5, Iserbyt immediately began to put his rival under pressure and caused a mistake. Ronhaar got his wheel caught up in the advertising hoardings and suddenly is was Iserbyt who was in the lead.

Despite that little slip, Ronhaar wasn't completely out of contact as he fought to stay in touch. The pressure being put on by Iserbyt was telling though, and as they took the bell for the last lap, his lead had stretched out to 24 seconds over van der Haar, who'd overtaken Ronhaar.

Keeping things drama-free on the last lap, Iserbyt stayed in control to hold on for the victory.

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