Visma | Lease a Bike DS Addy Engels on Sepp Kuss' Vuelta victory: "He gained so much confidence from it. I think and hope he has turned the switch"

Sepp Kuss will be defending one of the three Grand Tour triumphs of Visma | Lease a Bike from 2023. The 29-year-old American known for being an invaluable super domestique might as well enjoy a bit more freedom following the departure of Primoz Roglic, although Cian Uijtdebroeks might quickly grow into a formidable leader this year.

"I am happy that Sepp has taken that step and it is a new card that we can now play," Visma | Lease a Bike sports director Addy Engels, tells Vélo magazine. "Also for us, with the departure of Primoz in the grand tours, we had three leaders, now there are two. That Vuelta victory did something to him. He gained so much confidence from it. I think and hope he has turned the switch."

Kuss himself has not changed, according to Engels. "Sepp is still Sepp. As a person he hasn't changed. He is the man who wants to contribute to the great cause. Last year he went to the Vuelta for the team's big goal, and it was he who achieved it."

Engels doesn't confirm yet whether Kuss will take on a leader role at upcoming Vuelta a Espana. "His role depends on the situation. I don't want to look too far ahead. Last year we went to the Tour with a leader and in the Vuelta we had a different approach. The Tour is still a long way away, but it is possible that it will happen again. There is still a long way to go and many discussions to be had before the start of Tour and Vuelta."

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