Pello Bilbao wins the queen stage of the Tour of Slovenia but Giovanni Aleotti remains in the lead

Victory of Pello Bilbao in the queen stage of the Tour of Slovenia after a beautiful day with numerous breakaways and that was decided in the hard final climb to Krvavec. The leader Giovanni Aleotti saved the jersey.

Several men led the breakaway of the day including Cyril Barhte, Johan Meens, Marcel Camprubí, Barnabás Peák and Michal Paluta. They built up a lead of more than 3 minutes, but as they slowly began to climb on the approach to the final pass the gap soon dropped below a minute with BORA working for leader Giovanni Aleotti.

At 10 of kilometers to the finish the breakaway had already been hunted and it was the Bardiani that was pulling for its leader Giulio Pellizzari. Aleotti had been left alone at the start of the figure. Very well accompanied by Filippo Zana for Jayco and Pello Bilbao for Bahrain.

At 7 of finish was the Jayco who put a harder pace with De Marchi for Zana. The group of favorites was stretching. He was relieved meters later by Peña. At 5.8 of finish was Bahrain who set the final pace for Pello. It was Edoardo Zambanini who put one more point.

With 4 to go it was Pello Bilbao in the first person who started to give pace to the breakaway of favorites. He didn't attack, he set the pace and left Pellizzari blown away. Ben Healy, the leader Aleotti and Domenico Pozzovivo remained. Tremendous the pace of the Basque cyclist.

Healy stayed with the pace of Pello. Aleotti asked for relays, but the leader did not give them to him. Paul Double came in with 2 km to go and an attack by Pello Bilbao before the very hard last kilometer did not work.

In the end Pello waited until the last meters to make his final attack. Few differences between the favorites. Aleotti continues to lead.

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